About Us
We’re the best source for real estate investors to find great discount and investment property in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, and other Ohio cities. We’re constantly picking up new properties and always have properties available.
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The Acquisitions Team
Ohio Turnkey
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A Bit About Us
Ever wondered who that company is that snaps up the best deals and the highest discounts on properties in the area before anyone else ever even hears about them? Well that’s us. And we help investors like you push cash in your pocket by passing along the areas best deals on great properties so you can profit from them and put cash in your pocket.
We are the ONLY local choice that provides the best returns for your investment. We’ve lived here for decades, and we know the area like the back of our hand. Most of the team has chosen to raise their families here and improve the communities that they live and work in.
How Do We Do It?
Pretty simple really. We don’t like to over complicate things.
Our company has honed our marketing to a point where we’re pretty darn good at it. We find and acquire deeply discounted Cincinnati and Dayton real estate then make those properties available to you at DEEPLY discounted prices from current market value.